Drop That Stuffing! 10 Steps to Get Back On Track After Holiday Eating …

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break and that you were able to catch up with family and friends while enjoying some amazing food and fun times. I had a really great time with my family and even got to catch up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. Some highlights of… Continue reading Drop That Stuffing! 10 Steps to Get Back On Track After Holiday Eating …

Five Tips to a Successful Blog (So You Want a Blog? Pt. 1)

Lately, I’ve had people ask for tips and advice on starting a blog so I thought I’d share some key concepts that have helped me. This is the first of a series I’m calling, “So You Want a Blog?” Before I go and share the tools I use or step-by-step directions, I wanted to share… Continue reading Five Tips to a Successful Blog (So You Want a Blog? Pt. 1)

Tomato Basil Soup and Sunday Inspiration

Yay for Sunday! Around our house, Sunday is a day to rest and plan for the week ahead. We spend Saturday doing all the household items that build up throughout the week and I grocery shop and prep food as needed so that Sunday = as much relaxation as possible. I heard an amazing quote… Continue reading Tomato Basil Soup and Sunday Inspiration