My Secret Revealed: I’m Out of the Nest!

It’s time to let you in so that you can share in my joy. Are you ready? OK first, mark your calendars for January 25, 2013. You’ll see why in a minute … If you’ve been with me since I said I had something so wonderful to tell you but just couldn’t yet, I’m sorry… Continue reading My Secret Revealed: I’m Out of the Nest!

Announcing Project Style Share! + Use Pinstagram to Simplify Pinterest Campaigns

Note: This post was put together just as Instagram made a big announcement about how they use your photos. Be sure to read it. Earlier this month, I was chatting with some friends on Facebook about the clothes we were wearing that day (yes, people actually do that) when I had an idea. What if  we created a… Continue reading Announcing Project Style Share! + Use Pinstagram to Simplify Pinterest Campaigns

Musical Monday: Workin’ it Like a BOSS.

The past few weeks have been pretty busy for me. I’ve been doing a lot of introspection and I’m attempting to figure out where I want to transition to career-wise … I’ve really been enjoying the journey so far and I think I’ve almost got it figured out (for now). I actually just started public… Continue reading Musical Monday: Workin’ it Like a BOSS.