5 Gluten-Free and Paleo-Friendly Appetizers to Bring-in the New Year!

We’re attending a New Year’s Eve party tomorrow and we’re going to bring an appetizer and some drinks. So, I’m brainstorming some options and thought I’d share a few with you in case you’re looking for something fun, festive and healthy. I want to make all of these but I’m going to have to choose… Continue reading 5 Gluten-Free and Paleo-Friendly Appetizers to Bring-in the New Year!

Announcing Project Style Share! + Use Pinstagram to Simplify Pinterest Campaigns

Note: This post was put together just as Instagram made a big announcement about how they use your photos. Be sure to read it. Earlier this month, I was chatting with some friends on Facebook about the clothes we were wearing that day (yes, people actually do that) when I had an idea. What if  we created a… Continue reading Announcing Project Style Share! + Use Pinstagram to Simplify Pinterest Campaigns