Food for Thought: More Than Food?

Banana Coconut Ice Cream! Look for the recipe at the bottom of this post. Y-U-M!

Hope you’re having a week full of happiness and healthy choices. I’ve really enjoyed sharing my thoughts on food (specifically Paleo food), fitness and my journey to health thus far with you. Thank you for following along and sharing in the adventure!

It’s really fun to hear about all the ways each of you are choosing to be healthy. I’ve even had several of you tell me that these posts helped you in some way — some have even been encouraged to start the Whole30 program!

I wanted to share something with you and feel free to leave comments below to share your thoughts. I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and what I write about. Basically, there are several other topics and areas of my life that I want to write about and I am starting to get antsy … So I’m thinking about adding some topics.

OK don’t get me wrong — I love writing about food and health so I’ll definitely keep that stuff coming … but I’d also like to start mixing in other topics that I’m passionate about like: music, inspiration/motivational posts, and public relations/marketing thoughts (since that’s the field I’m in). I’ve been brainstorming about how to mesh these topics into this blog and I have an idea:

I’m going to keep sharing plenty of recipes, fitness and Paleo posts. I like doing that and I know many of you like reading about it (at least, that’s what my blog stats tell me.) In addition though, I’m going to start sharing what I’ll call “Food for Thought” posts. These posts can range from an inspirational image, to music or a marketing/public relations/social media thought. We’ll try it out and see how it goes. Simply because I l-o-v-e those topics and I want to share them with you.

I hope you enjoy the variety. Feel free to skip a post if it’s not your “cup of tea” but know that I will continue to share the recipes, Paleo, health and fitness posts you know and like. I promise it will be fun!

~ Kate

P.S. As a gesture of good faith, here’s a de-lish dessert recipe. It’s for ICE CREAM. Thanks to Dawn M. who shared this yummy recipe with me. Seriously. You have to make this tonight. I ate it last week and it was amazing. Click here for the recipe (just substitute coconut milk for the regular milk to make it Paleo).

P.P.S. If you want daily inspiration within a community of like-minded people, getting healthier together, like my Facebook page.