I Dare Me To … I Dare You Too? 30 Days without the Tube

I was standing in my kitchen last night, snacking on some nuts and berries (yes, literally) and I started thinking about October being over and my 30 Days of Fitness Challenge coming to an end. I’ve liked doing these challenges and I’ve heard so many of you share positive feedback on how the Whole30 and… Continue reading I Dare Me To … I Dare You Too? 30 Days without the Tube

Reality Check: You Are Your #1 Client

If I had to choose one lesson out of the countless I’ve learned through my experience as a consultant and marketer, it would be emphatically this: You are your #1 client. Yes, it’s THAT crucial. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, you’ve got an abundance of clients, you’re working for a company or all-of-the-above, you have… Continue reading Reality Check: You Are Your #1 Client

TGIF: Stand Up, Enjoy the Moment and DROP THAT SCALE

It’s Friday! There’s just something so refreshing about having a couple days to do what you want, on your own terms, isn’t there? I love it. The weekends are my time to regroup, get miscellaneous house stuff done and spend time how I see fit. Before you take off for the weekend, I wanted to… Continue reading TGIF: Stand Up, Enjoy the Moment and DROP THAT SCALE