Musical Mondays: Stuck on Repeat & Sweet Potato Hash

It’s been a few days since I’ve blogged and I’ve been a little  MIA on social media in general due to just completing my biggest work event of the year. I had the privilege and responsibility of orchestrating a conference for 400+ chiropractors and their staff. It was a lot of work and required a… Continue reading Musical Mondays: Stuck on Repeat & Sweet Potato Hash

Meet My Kitchen + My First Vlog!

Happy Monday! So … I finally did it. I am now ready to introduce you to my kitchen and share some of the items I consider essential to my Paleo lifestyle. There are some tips mixed in as well 🙂 First, shout-out to my 30 Days of Fitness buddies~! The past few days have been… Continue reading Meet My Kitchen + My First Vlog!

Food Conquered. Fitness? Do You Dare?

Do you dare ? Whole30? Check. Now with the sugar coated, ice-cream slinging monsters firmly locked away, I’m on to my next challenge: 30 Days of Fitness. I’ve been thinking about it and I’d like to invite you to join me. Here are the parameters: Maintain a clean diet for 30 days (Whole30, Paleo or… Continue reading Food Conquered. Fitness? Do You Dare?