Top 10 Reasons Why Fall is the BEST!

The Vibrant Colors. Whether it’s the subtle thickening of the clouds or the transformation in the color of the leaves that happens all too fast, I love all the colors that happen naturally during this season. They take my breath away every time. Biking. I love biking all the time but things get especially interesting… Continue reading Top 10 Reasons Why Fall is the BEST!

Meal Planning 101 + 43 Paleo and Low Carb Blogs

It’s Musical Monday! This week I want to suggest an album that is part of my fall playlist. I seriously cannot get enough of all Bon Iver’s stuff but this album is a cold weather classic as far as I’m concerned. I hope you love it even half as much as I do. Alright, so… Continue reading Meal Planning 101 + 43 Paleo and Low Carb Blogs

30 Days of Fitness Challenge: VIDEO UPDATE

Happy Wednesday! Since we’re weeks into the “30 Days of Fitness Challenge” I wanted to update you on my progress and encourage you to keep going! To be honest, I’ve missed a day or two here and there so I’m extending the challenge through October 31. So get in your workout gear, watch this video… Continue reading 30 Days of Fitness Challenge: VIDEO UPDATE