Hit the Ground Running: Tips for Achieving Your Food and Fitness Goals

KateUpdates RUN
Since it’s the new year, many of us have set goals or made resolutions to eat healthier, quit a bad habit, drink less and/or workout more.
Whether you’re starting a workout routine for the first time, running a half marathon, starting the Whole30,  eating clean or Paleo my hope is that these tips will help you get a head-start to be healthier and happier in 2013.
  1. Make a plan. What are your goals? Make sure that they are realistic for where you are right now and then write them down and put them somewhere you can easily and regularly refer back to them. Add dates to each goal and create smaller, milestone goals with dates to help you know where you are in achieving your goals.
  2. Tell the world. I’ve found it really helps me to achieve my goals (see 30 Day Challenges) to tell as many people as possible.  Announcing your goals can increase the likelihood that you’ll accomplish them. So share it on your Facebook status, tell your friends, family and coworkers.
  3. Eliminate temptation. What is the greatest challenge you face in accomplishing your goals? What could get in the way? This may mean that you skip on some social events to avoid eating out initially. Drinks after work may have to go until you get control. Be relentless. Don’t worry about what others think. This is your body, your mind and your life. Take charge of it!
  4. Team up. As you go around telling others about your goal, notice if others have goals similar to yours and offer to help encourage each other. You can also join a Facebook group and find local support groups or online communities to help strengthen your resolve. I did Weight Watchers years ago and there was tremendous value in the weekly “check-ins” for me.
  5. Keep you eye on the prize. You know that plan you made earlier? Look at it daily or even hourly if you need to. Use sticky notes, markers or iPhone reminders as necessary. Get a little crazy for the sake of accomplishing your goals. Don’t forget the big picture. The temporary pleasure of a cookie or skipping a workout isn’t worth a missed goal. You only have one life and you recognized that change was needed. Stay strong and use your support group. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit.
Looking for more detailed resources? Read some of my past posts about getting on the right track after the holidays by clicking here.

What are some of your “live better” goals for 2013?

Do you have any tried and true tips you’d add to this list?

~ Kate