My First Frittata + September Workouts

Great news guys! My breakfast was so freakin’ good this morning that I just had to share it with you! Have you ever made a frittata? Well I did for the first time ever just this morning! The result? Delicious! Down side? I burnt my hand 🙁 I accidentally grabbed the pan handle. Don’t worry I’m OK but just a word of caution to any frittata makers out there.

Holy breakfast, Batman!

I got the original idea for this dish from the “It Starts with Food” Whole30 Program cookbook. Here’s how I made mine:

Spinach & Cinnamon Frittata


9 Eggs
1.5 Cups Ground Beef (sausage would taste amazing, too!)
3 Handfuls of Spinach
1 Small Onion (chopped)
2 Tbs Cinnamon (chopped)
1 tsp Paprika
2 Tbs Coconut Oil
Salt & Pepper to taste


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Prepare the meat as you like. I took ground beef and browned it in coconut oil. Incorporate 1 Tbs Cinnamon into the meat as you prepare it. In a medium-largish bowl combine the eggs, remaining cinnamon, spinach, onion, paprika and salt and pepper to taste.

Next, add the 2 Tbs of coconut oil to a large frying pan and let it warm up over medium heat until it melts. Then add the egg/veggie mixture, stirring and scraping the bottom so that egg pieces start to form. Do this for 2 minutes. Then evenly spread the mixture within the pan and let it stand for 30 seconds to settle.

Take the pan and put it in the oven (carefully) and let it cook for 13-15 minutes until you see the mixture rise up like a balloon and begin to brown lightly (this part is awesome.) Take it out and let it stand for 5-10 minute then slice and enjoy!

September Workouts

I also thought you might like some workout ideas for September so I wanted to share some resources that I’m using this month:

  • September Workout Calendar via Blogilates – Now, this will completely KICK YOUR BOOTY. I did it for the first time this morning and didn’t make it all the way through the hour. To access this free monthly calendar you have to sign up for their e-newsletter, which is a great resource as well.
  • Here are a couple of the videos I did today: (Warning: You will want to cry for your mommy.)
  • Trackometer – Running/Walking App for iPhones. This is what I use to track all my runs and I even used it to track my bike routes before I got a gadget to do it for me.

Also, I’m thinking that it’s time for new running shoes. Any you recommend? Let me know!

~ Kate