Foodie #FollowFriday: Meet Amy Ayers, Paleo Mommy Blogger!

Hi Fellow Updaters and Happy Friday!

This Friday, I wanted to do something different … something special. I want to take a moment and introduce you to a very dear Paleo friend of mine: Amy Ayers.

Amy is awesome. We met through our Whole30 journeys and have been talking Paleo ever since. Amy was a fan of this blog before we even had a Facebook page! In fact, not having an official page didn’t stop her from wanting to become friends because she just sent me a Facebook friend request! We’ve been friends every since 🙂

Since then, I’ve gotten to know Amy and see her faithfulness in making her family and her health a priority. She eats Paleo like it’s her job (seriously), walks around 6+ miles a day and she just started her OWN blog! She has been sharing photos of her meals on Facebook for months and finally decided to take the plunge into blogging about her Paleo adventures and family time at Cavemom Lifestyle. Her blog shares insight into Paleo lifestyle from a mom’s point of view.

I seriously feel like a Paleo cooking novice when I look at all the amazing things she’s creating on a DAILY basis. She’s truly inspirational. Oh and the recipes she makes are delicious. Just take a peek at this recipe she shared recently for Chocolate Brownie Cake with Cacao Nibs

Um … Yeah! Didn’t know Paleo could look so good did you?

What’s that you see there? Ice cream? Yep. Just click the image to be taken directly to the recipe.

Needless to say you should start following Amy if you don’t already. She’s on Twitter and apparently she’s a Pinterest all-star because she has over 1,000 followers!

Happy Friday Amy! So glad to be your Paleo buddy and friend.