The Tale of the Creepy Cookie …

KateUpdate Creepy Cookie

So, as you may have heard, this month I’m doing the Whole30 (aka Dirty 30) for the second time since August ’12. It’s been really challenging but I feel like I’m rounding a corner at this point. It’s day #11 and I feel like my sugar cravings are finally starting to subside. There was, however, an incident yesterday that I want to share with you …

The Tale of the Creepy Cookie

Yesterday I was in my kitchen preparing lunch after waiting WAY too long to eat. I should have made lunch sooner but I had gotten caught up in a work project that distracted me. Well, when you’re trying to eat healthy, it can be REALLY hard to make smart, healthy decisions if you wait until you’re ravenous. Unfortunately, that’s what I did and I found myself in a pickle. Well, a cookie.

As I was preparing my lunch, I opened the fridge to pull out some ingredients when I saw the frozen chocolate chip cookie dough that Daniel had purchased earlier in the week. I stood there, staring at the dough. Then, it spoke to me, “Daniel isn’t home to see you eat me,” it said in a sexy whisper. And, I thought about it.

First, that argument is completely stupid. Since when is my health dependent on who else is around? Who cares?! This is about me not someone else. The only person I’d be cheating on is myself. Think about that for a second! It’s simply ludicrous. Still … I did start thinking about chowing down on that artificially flavored, preservative-filled sugary stuff. But wait … it gets worse.

“You know, I’d go really great with the chocolate ice cream that’s in the freezer.” UGH. How did this cookie know me SO WELL?!?! OMG. OK, deep breaths. This whole interaction lasted about 5-seconds but it felt like time stood still. There I was, standing with the fridge door gaping and for a moment considering throwing caution and good sense to the wind when …

I exclaimed, “Heck no, you creepy cookie!” (OK maybe not out loud but still … ) and I quickly closed the fridge door and kept making my lunch.

The cookie didn’t win! I had overcome the creepy cookie and all its companions. That was really tough but I felt so strong and amazing afterward.

And you know what? It gets easier to say no the more you do it. It’s really hard at first but the truth is you’re only cheating on yourself.

Say no to temptation today. What you do when no one’s around can end up being the make or break to your success in eating and living healthy.

~ Kate