Paleo Cereal? No this isn’t a dream + Win FREE stuff!!

Are you ready?!

I’m SO excited to share this giveaway with you … I’ve never done a giveaway before now because I really don’t want this blog to turn into just a giveaway site. However, if this goes well, as I’m sure it will, I may start sharing more giveaways. It’s just too fun not to!

I also want to keep you posted on what I’ve been eating but let’s do the giveaway first and you can keep scrolling to get the scoop on what my meals looked like yesterday. Ready? Here we GO …

I’d like to introduce you to a very special brand: Nutcase Crunch.

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What makes it so special? Well, if you eat Paleo or even gluten-free, you know how hard it can be to find a cereal option. I haven’t had cereal since starting the Whole30 back in August. Cereal is just SO convenient in the morning and I’ve definitely missed having a cereal option for that reason alone. Enter Nutcase Crunch …

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Nutcase Crunch is a premium, all natural, gluten-free cereal that only has 4 ingredients. Yes, you read that right — 4 ingredients, which include: almonds, unsweetened coconut, pecans and pine nuts. I had it for breakfast this morning and added coconut milk (make sure it’s cold or use almond milk) and bananas and it was awesome.

Oh and the creator of Nutcase Crunch, Lisa, has a really awesome story, which you can check out on their Facebook page. She’s even a crossfitter (which I find completely inspiring!)

OK so that’s just part of what you are entering to win. You’re also entering to win a container of my FAVORITE coconut oil: Jarrow  Formulas Coconut Oil.


If you watched my video on how to choose a coconut oil, you know why I l-o-v-e  it, so I won’t belabor the giveaway. Just know that it’s amazing and watch my video.

Without further fanfare … Enter to win below and you can tweet about this contest every day until it ends on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 to earn extra points. Also, you can refer friends to enter to win and earn extra points that way. Have fun!!!

Just click the image and you’ll be taken to the contest.

KateUpdates Enter to Win

For those of you who are curious:

Tuesday’s Meals Continued:

Lunch: Easy pulled beef, cauliflower puree (I just microwaved frozen cauliflower and pureed it with butter and salt and pepper)
Dinner: Un-sweet tea and lettuce wrapped burger from 5 Guys (burger, tomato, pickle, onion, bacon, ketchup) Note: their ketchup isn’t paleo.

Today (Wednesday):

Breakfast: I had Nutcase Crunch in coconut milk with bananas.

Lunch: I will have the same thing I had yesterday (hooray for leftovers!)

Dinner: TBA tomorrow.


~ Kate