What to Do in a Food Crisis aka The Night I Cried

If you’re eating clean and especially if you have a special diet like gluten-free, vegan or Paleo, meal time can present some unique challenges. Especially when things don’t go as planned or if you weren’t able to prepare. I refer to these scenarios as a “Food Crisis.” Crisis might seem like a strong word but… Continue reading What to Do in a Food Crisis aka The Night I Cried

What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated …

I have to tell you that I’ve been feeling “off” over the past couple days  in regard to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. I’ve still been eating Paleo for the most part but have given in to a couple non-Paleo/less-than-healthy foods over the past few days and it has left me feeling out of sorts. So… Continue reading What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated …

What I Learned without My TV … Hey, Ma, I think I’m smarter!

Happy Monday!  There are so many things I want to share with you and I’m using as much self-control as I can muster to pace myself so I can give each topic its due attention. Seriously, I had to chop off half of this post because it was getting too long. Lots of interesting things are… Continue reading What I Learned without My TV … Hey, Ma, I think I’m smarter!