What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated …

KateUpdates TryI have to tell you that I’ve been feeling “off” over the past couple days  in regard to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. I’ve still been eating Paleo for the most part but have given in to a couple non-Paleo/less-than-healthy foods over the past few days and it has left me feeling out of sorts.

So today, I’d like YOUR help: What do YOU do when you’re feeling unmotivated or discouraged?

How do you pick yourself up by the “boot straps” and move forward?

What I do when I’m feeling unmotivated (aka my game plan for how I feel right now)

  1. Specifically if I’m eating off-track, I do NOT weigh myself. I’ve found that only makes matters worse for me.
  2. I look at people I admire who are setting a great example of consistency in reaching their goals and I get inspired.
  3.  I start saying the things that I’m thankful for or make a list.
  4. Even though it’s not a habit yet, I find I get the best pick-me-up from exercise.
  5. Pray. (Again, this is my list so it may look a bit different from yours but you can pray too if you want lol)

What’s in your motivational toolkit?

~ Kate