I Won’t Quit Running: Reflections on Racing and Boston

I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened in Boston. It’s funny how things can become more real to you at different stages in your life. Since I’ve training for a half marathon and have run 5Ks and 10Ks before, I can picture the finish line, the spectators, the volunteers and the runners. It makes… Continue reading I Won’t Quit Running: Reflections on Racing and Boston

Confession: Swimsuit Season and Body Image

Happy Monday! Spring is here … which means swimsuit season is almost upon us. Normally, this would really FREAK me out but I realized something lately about myself. Something quite remarkable and I want to tell you about it today. It’s remarkable because it’s different from the way I’ve been thinking for many, many years.… Continue reading Confession: Swimsuit Season and Body Image

Honey, I love you. Sugar, this is war. #Whole30 Update

‘A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!’ – Mary Poppins … I have bad news for you Mary. It also helps your bottom get round. This is day #19 of my Whole30 challenge! Crazy. It’s actually gone by pretty fast. At this point, I’m looking at foods and thinking, “There’s no way I… Continue reading Honey, I love you. Sugar, this is war. #Whole30 Update