Meal Planning 101 + 43 Paleo and Low Carb Blogs

It’s Musical Monday! This week I want to suggest an album that is part of my fall playlist. I seriously cannot get enough of all Bon Iver’s stuff but this album is a cold weather classic as far as I’m concerned. I hope you love it even half as much as I do. Alright, so… Continue reading Meal Planning 101 + 43 Paleo and Low Carb Blogs

Lessons from a Baby Bird: 5 Ways to Keep Perspective & Rest

“Just because you’ve hatched, doesn’t mean you’re ready to jump out of the nest.” As soon as I heard that statement, I laughed out loud … in church. Luckily, our church has a less formal format so the occasional laugh isn’t frowned on. Just the thought of a little bird being born, looking around and… Continue reading Lessons from a Baby Bird: 5 Ways to Keep Perspective & Rest

30 Days of Fitness Challenge: VIDEO UPDATE

Happy Wednesday! Since we’re weeks into the “30 Days of Fitness Challenge” I wanted to update you on my progress and encourage you to keep going! To be honest, I’ve missed a day or two here and there so I’m extending the challenge through October 31. So get in your workout gear, watch this video… Continue reading 30 Days of Fitness Challenge: VIDEO UPDATE