Is Excess Keeping You from Achieving Your Goals?

I love Mondays. I’ll admit I haven’t always liked them but the past couple years have taught me to see Mondays as the springboard for each new week. Mondays are a new beginning, a fresh start and, to me, they hold the most potential of any day in the week. So, I love Mondays. On… Continue reading Is Excess Keeping You from Achieving Your Goals?

It’s Friday! Let’s Have Dessert (with a side of thanks)

Hello beautiful people! How was your week been? If you’re a fan of my Facebook page, you saw that I shared an image that says exactly how I feel: Thankful. I’m off to a running start with my new business and I’m meeting with some amazing brands, learning so much and being brave every day.… Continue reading It’s Friday! Let’s Have Dessert (with a side of thanks)

Hello Pomelo + Peak into This Week’s Grocery Haul …

It’s Wednesday! This week is (thankfully) moving a tad bit slower than the last few have … I feel like I breathe a little! I started my half-marathon training this week and … let’s just say I have a long way to go. I know I can, I know I can!  I think my biggest… Continue reading Hello Pomelo + Peak into This Week’s Grocery Haul …