Rockin’ Around the Christmas Table: Ditch the Food Guilt!

Christmas is coming! String the lights, bake the cookies, wrap the gifts and sing carols because Christmas is just around the corner. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see my family and eat yummy food and be merry. Daniel and I are working on a musical surprise for our families and oh I simply cannot WAIT!

Last night we enjoyed some homemade eggnog from a friend (not Paleo but delicious nonetheless) and sang Christmas carols. It was glorious and full of giggles.

KateUpdates Eggnog

Of course, it’s important to set yourself up for success when it comes to these holiday gatherings. What’s your game plan? What will you eat and how much? Will you workout? The tricky part about Christmas is that it is immediately followed by New Year’s Eve parties, New Years Day meals together and, in my case, my birthday (January 2, ahthankyaverymuch.) So that means you have family gatherings, Christmas cookies, drinks with friends and birthday cake all in just over a week! Talk about overload!

My plan? I’m going to review my post on avoiding food guilt over the holidays and I’m going to maintain my workout routine. I’ll also stick to Paleo foods for the most part, as I did during Thanksgiving, and be aware of portions. Basically, the key to avoiding food-guilt and overload is to listen to your body. Don’t eat like the world’s going to end.

Instead, take your time and enjoy the moment.

Hooray for Christmas!


~ Kate