Snack Attack: 3 Grab and Go Gluten-Free and Paleo Snacks

It can be hard to find healthy, grab and go gluten-free and Paleo snacks … believe me, I know. When I’m hit with a snack attack, it can be really difficult to find options that are low-maintenance and stick to my Paleo lifestyle.

It’s been a while since I’ve shown you what’s in my grocery bag … this has been completely unintentional on my part but that’s not a good excuse! So, I wanted to share a couple grocery store finds, perfect for snacking, that I’ve uncovered recently that I REALLY like. They’re Paleo and some of these options are even OK for the Whole30 (although snacking is discouraged).

Here are three things I’ve been snacking on lately …

Healthy Nuts
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So, nuts can actually be really difficult to find without added oils or sugars. I found this brand doesn’t have any added oils or sugar and they have just the right amount of salt. The right amount being more than nothing and too much to eat a lot of them. Check this brand out the next time you’re at your local grocery store.

Not Just for Kids
KateUpdates Buddy Fruit

Have you seen the cute little kids fruit squeezes? OMG they are awesome. If you’re looking for a boost of energy or something sweet, try these little guys after a workout or on the road. This flavor was really good but definitely on the sweet side. These are a great travel option to keep in mind … And they’re adorable!

Baby Peppers
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I’m IN LOVE with these little peppers!! They are SO convenient it’s ridiculous. I snack on them and then grab a few to add some veggies to my favorite recipes. My only qualm is that you still have to get the seeds out of them when putting them in a recipe. That can be a little tedious but other than that they ROCK.

What’s your go-to Paleo snack?

~ Kate