[spotify id=”spotify:track:41nT1Sp6ChR65FbsdLlFHW” width=”300″ height=”380″ /]
It’s been a little while since I shared a Musical Monday post but after last night’s Super Bowl performance I feel inspired. Bring on the Destiny’s Child, baby! Talk about a song perfect for my running mix. Bootylicious wins every time.
And so it BEGINS. After a lengthy ordeal with my lower back, I am now cleared to begin running again. Just in time, too, because I have 3 months until my first-ever half marathon! I’m excited but a little nervous. I don’t think I can fully comprehend running 13.1 miles. I’ve never run over four so it’s a bit too much of a stress for my imagination just yet.
I can visualize finishing though. I’m definitely doing this. It’s one of my 2013 Goals so it will be done. Period. How are you doing on your 2013 goals? Making progress? Need to look at them and remind yourself what they were? Take this as your reminder 🙂
I’d love to hear any tips on running long distances, what gear to choose and how to run in winter weather.
Bring on the advice!
~ Kate
P.S. This week I will be sharing what an average day for me looks like food-wise. I think it will be a video post. Stay tuned!