Does Crossfit Really work?

KateUpdates Crossfit

Have you tried Crossfit? Are you a Crossfitter? Do you even know what I’m talking about right now?  😉

If you have looked into Paleo for any amount of time, you’ve most likely seen the crazy, scary, booty-busting workouts by the name of Crossfit. If you want to know what a crossfit workout looks like or what crossfitters look like, click here.

Crazy, right? I’ve been hearing a lot about Crossfit and aside from the fact that it completely intimidates me, I also found it initially confusing when I tried to learn more about how to do it exactly. I’ve seen workouts or WODs (workout of the day) online but it really wasn’t clear to me if you could start these crazy WODs without having a trainer watch you, being in a group of fellow crossfitters or at what fitness level you have to be before performing them.

I stumbled across this blog of moms and women doing Crossfit workouts in a 90-day cycle and I’m considering it. The site isn’t fancy looking but it has a strong following of women who are doing a daily workout (WOD) that’s really short (like under 10 minutes, 20 max) and apparently gets “out of this world” results. I’m intrigued …

I’m also working on my running right now in anticipation of my half marathon in May and doing yoga to strengthen my body and lower back. The running is moving slower than I’d like. It’s frustrating. I may try to do a couple of these workouts and see how I feel. I’m not making any 30 day challenge announcements (right now) but I’ll keep you posted if I try some of these.

What do you think? Do you know anything about Crossfit? Have you tried WODs? Very curious to know what you think or if there’s an expert in the house …

Oh and let me catch you up on my eating from last week. I had a friend in town so there aren’t but I can still give you the meal breakdown:

Friday (Continued): Lunch: Leftovers (spicy sausage and cauliflower puree), Dinner: Cheesecake Factory salad with: chicken, tomatoes, onions, avocado and balsamic dressing.
Saturday: Bacon and eggs for breakfast, 1 small smoothie while shopping at the mall (acai, blueberries, apples and bananas) Cheesecake Factory leftover for lunch/dinner and because my friend was still in town we made paleo chocolate chip cookies.
Sunday: 2 Eggs, hot tea and cookies for breakfast, Chipotle for lunch/dinner and grapefruit and trail mix as snacks.

~ Kate