Accept Your Flaws and No One Can Use Them Against You

Kateupdates Not PerfectKateupdates Happy Monday!

Woah it’s been a crazy few days. So, as I’m sure you noticed, I didn’t share my grocery basket with you yesterday but that is only because I didn’t get to go grocery shopping as planned. Instead, my amazing husband is going to hit up the grocery store for me since he has MLK day off. This whole starting a business thing is proving to be pretty time-consuming and until I’m completely done with my “office-job” next month, Daniel has been pitching in and helping even more than usual. ::love him::

OK so today I want to encourage you with this thought: you will never be perfect. I’m not trying to single you out here because the same thing applies to me. This is a lesson I’ve been learning for some time and I need reminded of it because I’m a bit of a perfectionist. There, I said it. Whew. That means, when it comes to eating healthier and choosing to make my health a priority, it only makes sense that I would try to apply my perfectionist tendency to those topics as well.

And, because I let it “all hang out” here on my blog, Facebook page, YouTube channel, I get lots of feedback on what I’m eating, how I’m eating it and if there’s a better alternative. I love getting comments and learning right along with you as to what truly is healthiest to eat and do but I want to say that this health journey is never going to be perfect. Mistakes happen. Indulgences happen.

So, if you mistakenly eat something that has ingredients you typically avoid, don’t beat yourself up or freak out. Just avoid it in the future. Do I sometimes eat peanuts in my fruit and nut mix because that’s what the grocery had and I was hungry? YES. Did I eat cheese while hanging out with girlfriends last night, even though I’m allergic to dairy and it’s not really Paleo? Yep. I’m not perfect. Neither are you. And that’s OK.

Decide what’s important to you and don’t beat yourself up about the little things. The road to extraordinary isn’t perfect. It’s unique, just like you.

Good. Now that we got that out-of-the-way, we can have a way less stressful week. 😉

~ Kate

P.S. I’m going to share my grocery basket AND this fabulous recipe for Almond Meal Chicken Fingers soon so stay tuned.

KateUpdates Chicken Fingers